Saturday, February 9, 2008

Etiquette is becoming a lost art--whether we're honking in traffic, hanging up on telemarketers or forgetting to say a simple "thank you" it seems the busier we get the more we forget to practice good manners and courtesy.I saw this idea on the internet and thought it was FANTSASTIC!! It is called "A Manner of Month."

Each month focus on one manner--one aspect of courtesy--which you would practice throughout the month.It is usually a table manner that can be practiced at the dinner table when everyone is all together at meal time though sometimes it's telephone etiquette, writing thank you notes, how to greet someone, opening doors for others or saying "excuse me."For example, you might consider this schedule:

January--boys seating girls at the table

February--napkins on laps

March--chewing with closed mouths

April--not interrupting

May--asking to be excused

June--thanking the preparer or hostJ

July--waiting until all are finished before leaving the table

August--no elbows on the table

September--not complaining about the food

October--saying "please" and "thank you"

November--using the correct utensils

December--not reaching across the table

Switch out whatever you feel your children need to work on.

The wives of the 50's were very focused on the manners of their children. They considered their childrens manner as an extension of their own. it wouldn't hurt us a bit to adopt this attitude now.